EMail Setup
To access via webmail:
To access using an email client:
Incoming mail server: mail.YOUR-DOMAIN-NAME.com
Incoming and outgoing mail server:
Incoming mail server port for IMAP:
993 (IMAP keeps a copy of email on our servers and is recommended)
Incoming mail server port for POP3:
995 (POP3 downloads the email without leaving a copy on our servers)
Outgoing mail server port:
587 (STARTTLS) or 465
Regardless of your email client (Outlook, Thunderbird, iMail, etc.), everything must use TLS, SSL, or a combination of both. The new mail system will not relay mail unless you are logged in. We no longer support open email relays. If you are using the Webclient for your email and you miss the old look and feel just go to Settings > Preferences > User Interface > and then select the Interface skin Larry and then click Save.